Business Assistant
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Text File
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This disk copy of the PC-PAYROLL Manual will not have
important page numbers, figures or notes incorporated in the
text. The absence is not to restrict the use of the program, but
is a function of the this file being unable to handle the
necessary graphics. This manual will enable you to use
PC-PAYROLL, and when you subscribe to receive updates, you will
be furnished a complete printed manual.
The PC-PAYROLL program, furnished on a separate disk is a
complete program as of the stated date. You cannot use the
PC-PAYROLL program except in the year stated on the program.
PC-PAYROLL was written by Peninsula Sotware, Inc. and is
protected under the United States copyright laws. You must treat
PC-PAYROLL like any other copyrighted material. You can, however,
make copies for back up or archival purposes and transfer the
program to hard disks. You cannot copy this printed PC-PAYROLL
Reference Manual.
The accompanying PC-PAYROLL disk(s) contain programs and/or
subroutines published by Peninsula Software, Inc. and is prepared
as a service to subscribers of PC-PAYROLL and Personnel
Management. In the event that a disk is defective, return it
within 30 days of receipt to:
Peninsula Software, Inc.
Department SW1
P.O. Box 2010
Newport News, VA 23609-0010
Peninsula Software, Inc. warrants that all federal and state
tax withholding formulas included in this software are current as
of the distribution date. An updated program disk will be
furnished to all active subscribers upon notification of any
changes/updates from either the state, IRS or the subscriber.
Peninsula Software, Inc. will poll the states periodically, based
on historical changes, to determine if any new changes to the tax
formulas are required.
Peninsula Software, Inc. makes no warranty concerning the
function or fitness of any program and/or subroutines reproduced
on the disk and shall have no liability or responsibility to any
recipient with respect to liability, loss or damage
caused--directly or indirectly--by the use of the disk and the
programs and/or subroutines, including but not limited to, any
loss of business or other incidental or consequential damages.
(c) copyright Peninsula Software, Inc. - 1990
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1
Overview 1-1
Subscriptions 1-1
General Information 1-2
Overview 2-2
Using the Manual 2-2
Using PC-PAYROLL 2-2
Dot Prompts 2-2
Date Prompts 2-2
Toggles 2-2
Default Prompts 2-3
Printing 2-3
Installing PC-PAYROLL 2-4
On a Hard Drive 2-4
On Floppy Disks 2-5
Overview 3-1
Setting Up the Company Data File 3-2
Using Password Protection 3-8
Changing Data Drives 3-9
Chapter 4 MAIN MENU 4-1
Overview 4-1
Update Employee Data 4-2
Add Employee Data 4-2
Modify Employee Data 4-5
Rollover 1989 - 1990 4-6
Housekeeping 4-8
Delete Payroll File 4-8
Date for Report Header 4-8
Backup Data 4-8
Using PC-PAYROLL 4-8
Alternate Backup Method 4-9
Restoring Data Using PC-PAYROLL 4-10
Sorting Payroll Data 4-10
Overview 5-1
PC-PAYROLL Method 5-2
Compute Paychecks 5-3
Displaying the Paycheck Stub 5-7
Modify Previous Pay Stubs 5-9
Overview 5-9
Change Defaults 5-11
Overview 5-11
After-the-Fact Payroll 5-11
Accountants 5-11
Year-to-date Adjustments 5-11
Common Procedure 5-12
Overview 6-1
Federal Tax Reports 6-2
Quarterly Returns 6-2
Forms W-2 6-3
What W-2s To Purchase 6-5
Tips On Printing W-2s 6-5
Forms W-3 6-6
FUTA Form 940 6-6
Summary Reports 6-7
Overview 7-1
Available Reports 7-2
List Employees on File 7-2
List Payroll Dates 7-2
Totals by Pay Period 7-3
Payroll Detail by Pay Period 7-3
List Employees by Pay Period 7-4
Payroll Detail by Employee 7-4
Check Register 7-4
List Records 7-5
Overview 8-1
Chapter 9 LOCAL TAX MODULE 9-1
Overview 9-1
Overview 10-1
Printing Checks or Check Stubs 10-3
Custom Check Formats 10-3
Chapter 11 TAX DEPOSIT MODULE 11-1
Overview 11-1
Available Functions 11-2
Add New Data 11-2
Modify Data 11-3
Sort File by Date 11-3
List ALL Records 11-4
List Records for Quarter 11-4
List Records for Month 11-4
Chapter 12 PC-GENERAL LEDGER Interface 12-1
Overview 12-1
Instructions 12-2
Appendix A Special State Instructions A-1
Appendix B Internal Revenue Service Requirements B-1
Appendix C Customer Support C-1
Problems C-1
Check Formats C-2
Appendix D Error Codes D-1
Glossary Glossary-1
PC-PAYROLL, an automated payroll system, is most effective
when used with a payroll of 100 employees or less. The program
handles a weekly payroll of up to 40 full-time employees and one
year of payroll data on one floppy disk or approximately 200
employees on a hard drive.
PC-PAYROLL provides--
. Two user-defined incomes and wages, overtime, salary
and tips. You can combine or use separately.
. Automatic federal, state, local and social security
tax computations from internal tax tables.
. Automatic federal and state unemployment and State
Disability Insurance (SDI) computations.
. Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly payroll
. You can also select after-the-fact payroll.
. Thirty company files for accountants, bookkeepers and
payroll services.
. User-defined deductions, both fixed and variable, as
well as deductions for 401(K) plans, cafeteria plans
and advance wages.
. Fringe benefits.
. Federal, state, period, monthly, quarterly, and
year-to-date reports and standard check formats.
Subscriptions to PC-PAYROLL are for one year and must be
paid annually by the anniversary date of the subscription. An
invoice will be mailed to all subscribers two months before
expiration of the subscription. In order to receive updates
and/or support, please keep your subscription current.
PC-PAYROLL requires an IBM-PC, XT, AT, PS-2 or any one of
most IBM-compatible computers with two double-sided disk drives
or one hard disk. The program also requires a memory of 384K,
DOS of 2.0 or greater and a printer.
PC-PAYROLL is easy to use, with well-defined menu selections
on each screen. You should, however, be familiar with the
computer keyboard, the Disk Operating System (DOS) and disk
commands (such as FORMAT and COPY) and the difference between
system and non-system disks. Refer to your DOS manual for this
Use the original PC-PAYROLL program diskettes ONLY to copy
your working diskette. Write-protect tabs are normally placed on
the original copy to prevent accidental erasure and to prohibit
configuration data files on the original disk. Instructions on
how to make copies of PC-PAYROLL for your own personal use follow
in Installing PC-PAYROLL.
Manual Design. The PC-PAYROLL Manual is designed for easy
use. The manual discusses all menus and screens, with steps
given for each program process. The tables, in particular, will
either aid you in entering the correct data for each prompt on a
given screen and will give you the purpose for each function key
on a screen.
Many of the functions and screens are identified throughout
the manual, as in the following example:
System Configuration (X) (Screen X.3.0)
System Configuration is the menu selection, X is the key you
need to press to access the System Configuration and Screen X.3.0
is the screen number.
The screen number, Screen X.3.0, is significant, as X
indicates the program module, 3 represents the function selected
(function key 3 on the module menu) and 0 is the number of
screens deep within the function.
To select a menu item, press either the function key, letter
associated with another module, or Esc. It is not necessary to
press the RETURN/ENTER key (hereafter called RETURN) for
PC-PAYROLL to take action.
Module menu selections are found at the bottom of each module
menu. All selections are active although they may not appear in
the menu. Select, for instance, the System Configuration Menu by
pressing X from any module menu, even though it is not displayed.
Select from the following:
X System Configuration
C Compute Payroll
Y Summary and Federal Reports
R Period Reports
S State Quarterly Reports
W Write Checks/Check Stubs
D Tax Deposit (available only from Main Menu)
G PC-GENERAL LEDGER Interface (available on request)
Dot Prompts. Within each function there are dot prompts, which
when selected, provide you with a description of the expected
entry followed by one or more dots (.....). These dots are
expecting you to enter data by typing over the dots, after which
you must press the RETURN key. Most dot prompts will only accept
appropriate information, ie., if a number is required, you will
not be able to enter a letter. The number of dots represent the
length of the data element.
Date Prompts. The Date prompt will not have the dots displayed,
but will require entry of the date in the proper format followed
by pressing the RETURN key. Refer to the Glossary for the proper
date format.
Toggles. There are several prompts called Toggles. Toggles
contain specific predefined information such as selecting one of
two local tax rates, plus OFF. To operate a toggle press the key
indicated. Pressing the key will change the data element to the
next assigned. If the toggle contains more than tow elements,
pressing the key again will display the next selection.
Default Prompts. Several reports contain default entries at a
prompt. To select the default entry press RETURN. To select the
alternate entry press the appropriate key.
Printing. Many reports can be displayed on the screen as well as
printed. The menu at the bottom of the displayed reports provide
you with ability to print the report or create a disk file that
can be imported by other software, such as word processors or
spreadsheets. The federal reports also contain the ability to
print directly on the tax form. Select the option by pressing
the appropriate key.
Print most reports by press the F10 key when the report is
displayed. Other reports may be defaulted to the printer without
displaying on the screen. The federal reports have the option to
print directly on the form. Except for the W-2's, press F8 to
print on the tax form when the report is displayed on the screen.
On a Hard Drive. Install the enclosed copy of PC-PAYROLL and
any future updates on your hard drive, using the listed steps.
. Type MD\PAYxx and press RETURN to make a payroll
subdirectory. (xx is the last two digits of the
current calendar year, ie., 90.)
Perform the first step above only when you first install
PC-PAYROLL. You will perform all other steps below
whenever you install updates.
When installing updates for a new year, remember that the
previous years data is required for the W-2s and 4the
quarter returns. Never install a new edition over the
previous years edition.
We recommend you use the year in the name of the payroll
subdirectory. Backup and delete a previous years system
after you complete your required reports.
. Type CD\PAYxx and press RETURN to change to the
payroll subdirectory.
. Insert the original PC-PAYROLL diskette in your floppy
drive (usually drive A).
. Type C:COPY a:*.*c: and press RETURN to copy all files
to your hard disk (a: is your floppy disk; c: is your
hard drive).
* After your files have been copied the message
"10 files copied" will display (the number of
files may vary).
. At the C> prompt, type PAY and press RETURN.
On Floppy Disks. The original PC-PAYROLL diskette does not
have the Disk Operating System (DOS) installed, nor will the
working disk have room for the disk operating system, making it a
bootable disk. Use your DOS system diskette, 2.0 or greater, to
set up your copy of PC-PAYROLL and to prepare it for use. Follow
these steps:
. Format at least two blank disks WITHOUT THE SYSTEM
(refer to your DOS manual for information on formatting
diskettes). You will need additional disks for backups.
. Label one formatted disk PROGRAM and the remainder
label DATA.
You will perform the first two steps above ONLY the first
time you install PC-PAYROLL. You will perform all other
steps below whenever you install updates.
. Place the original copy of PC-PAYROLL in drive A, and
place the PROGRAM disk in drive B.
. At the A> prompt, type A>COPY *.EXE B: and press
* All program files will copy to your working disk.
. Remove the original disk (drive A) and store it in a
safe place.
. Remove the PROGRAM disk from drive B and place it in
drive A.
. Insert the DATA disk in drive B.
. At the A> prompt, type PAY and press RETURN.
* Make additional DATA disks for periodic back up.
In order to use PC-PAYROLL, you must first boot your
computer using your DOS disk. When you exit PC-PAYROLL you
must then insert your DOS disk when prompted.
To use the functions available in PC-PAYROLL, you must first
use the System Configuration (X) to configure PC-PAYROLL for your
company. You can access the System Configuration Menu at any
module menu by pressing X. The System Configuration assigns
locations for data files and company information and loads it
into memory when you start PC-PAYROLL.
The System Configuration contains company-unique data. You
can install up to 30 companies on PC-PAYROLL. Each company must
be configured individually. The System Configuration consists of
a series of menus that you can select from a central menu by
pressing the appropriate function key for each selection.
When you first install a new company, the system default
values are automatically inserted. Change the default data for
your company before adding any employee or payroll information.
Data files PCPBxx.Dxx and PCPCxx.DAT contain the System
Configuration data. In the filenames, the "xx" in "PCPBxx"
indicates the year (such as 90) and the "xx" in "Dxx" indicates a
number from 01 to 30 that relates to the code for the company.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the System Configuration Menu.
figure 3-1
The first time you use PC-PAYROLL, after the opening banner,
the System Configuration Menu will display.
Before continuing with any other part of the program, you
must use the System Configuration to set up the company data file
by using the following steps.
. Enter a code from 1 to 30 to add or modify a company
(up to 30 different companies can be entered into one
copy of the program).
. Enter the company name.
. Enter the state where your company is located using
the two-letter postal abbreviation.
. Enter the disk drive you want the company data located
on (normally C for a hard drive or B for two floppies).
* PC-PAYROLL now loads default information into memory and
Screen X.0.0 displays with defaults. You can now review
the default data to ensure it satisfies your needs. At
Screen X.0.0, you can also add or delete companies or Esc
to the previous menu.
Code: ..
Company Name:
Your State:
Data Drive:
figure 3-2
. To go to the Main Menu, press Esc.
. To enter your company data or add additional companies in
PC-PAYROLL, press the appropriate function keys.
. Select the function key from the System Configuration
central menu for each menu or action you want to
review and update.
* F1 Add/Modify Company File - use to add another
company or modify a company name (When you modify,
the previous company data file is destroyed and new
defaults are inserted. The employee and payroll data
files remain intact.).
* F2 Delete Company File - use to delete a company
file (only the company data will be deleted; the
employee and payroll data files remain intact.).
You cannot delete a company you have highlighted.
PC-PAYROLL will only delete the company and payroll data
files. If it is necessary, use DOS to delete the employee
and tax files (PCPE.Dxx and PCPTxx.Dxx).
* Use the cursor up-down keys or the home and end
keys to select a different company data file after
you have used F1 to set up two or more companies.
* F4 Company Information (Screen X.4.0)- enter the
following company information, used for Forms W-2
addresses, city, county, state (this entry is required
for state calculations and must reflect the state where
the company is located), zip code, federal employer
identification number and state employer identification
number. Select the appropriate function key to enter
the required data.
* F5 User Defined Tax Rates (Screen X.5.0) - enter the
following user-defined rates and cutoffs.
Enter all percentage rates as follows: 7.1 for 7.1%,
NOT .071. Standard rates for FICA and UI default for the
current year.
- F1 and F2 Local Tax Rate 1 and 2 - displays
up to two unique local tax rates. Enter actual
amounts using Add Employee Data. See Chapter 4
(Main Menu), Table 4-1 for detailed instructions
on entering data.
- F3 Employer Contribution to FICA - enter the
current rate.
- F4 Employee Contribution to FICA - enter the
current rate and then the maximum wage cutoff
for FICA to be withheld.
- F5 SDI Employer Contributions - enter your
state's SDI tax rate for employers, if applicable,
and then the cutoff. (See the Glossary for a
discussion of SDI cutoffs.)
- F6 SDI Employee Contributions - enter your
state's SDI tax rate for employees, if applicable,
and then the cutoff. (See the Glossary the State of
- F7 Employer Unemployment Tax (UI) - enter your
UI rate (employer tax) and then the cutoff for
your state.
- F8 Employee Unemployment Tax (UI) - enter the
employee's UI rate and then the cutoff for
employee withholding for state UI.
For California, this prompt displays as Employee Training
Tax (EET). No cutoff is requested.
For Illinois, this prompt will request the Employer
Unemployment Tax for wages more than $50,000 per quarter.
No cutoff is requested.
- F9 Current Minimum Wage - enter current minimum
wage amount.
- F10 Overtime Rate - enter overtime rate you pay
employees; the default rate is 1.5 times the wages
* F6 User Selected Options (Screen X.6.0) - use to choose
the user-selected options to activate or deactivate
prompts used in computing paychecks. Activating only
the prompts you will use will speed data entry. The
bright (or starred items) on the screen are active.
(Stars are used for monochrome monitors that do not
show bright.).
The user defined incomes and variable deductions contain
multiple selections. Toggle to the correct selection to
meet your needs.
See Chapter 5, Table 5-1 for instructions of the prompts
and on entering data. A short description of the prompts
is provided below.
- To activate/deactivate, toggle by pressing the F-key
or shifted function key indicated on the screen as
Sft (press the F-key while holding down the shift key.)
-- F1 Regular Hours
-- F2 Overtime Hours
-- F3 Salary Override - overrides default salary
-- F4 Tips - reported tips
-- F5 (User-defined Income)
-- F6 (User-defined Income)
-- F7 Nontaxable
-- F8 Fringe Benefits - for W-2s
-- F9 Cafeteria Plan Payments
-- F10 401(K) Plan Deduction
-- Sft F1 SDI Override
-- Sft F2 (Variable Deduction)
-- Sft F3 Advance Wages
-- Sft F4 Advance Tips
-- Sft F5 Meals Furnished - for SDI calculations
-- Sft F6 Payroll Check Numbers
-- Sft F7 Negative Net Pay - Allowed/Disallowed.
-- Sft F8 Round Federal Taxes - On/Off
-- Sft F9 Round State Taxes - On/Off
-- Sft F10 (Personnel Management) - access to
Personnel Management. This prompt must be
OFF if Personnel Management is not installed.
* F7 User Defined Income/Deductions (Screen X.7.0) -
use to identify user-defined income and deduction
Descriptions are used on all reports and should not be
modified or deleted during the year. Additional
descriptions can be added. Enter actual amounts to be
deducted in Add Employee Data. See Chapter 4, Table 4-1
for detailed instructions.
* F8 Payroll Frequency (Screen X.8.0) - use to select
the payroll frequency and to select the computation
of taxes based on the employer's business location
or the employee's home address.
- F1 - toggle to set the default of the payroll
frequency in the employee data. Press F1 to
select one of eight different payroll frequencies,
including weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly,
monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually and
- F2 - toggle for tax computation based on the
employer's business location (state) or the
employee's home address (state).
This function is used primarily when an employer has
employees living in two or more states and reciprocal
agreements for collection of state taxes exist between
those states.
* F9 Select Color or Printer Format (Screen X.9.0) - use to
select the color option or to select a printer format.
- F1 - Toggle Color On/Off. Turns color on.
- F2 - 80 column format (for any printer). This
report format provides greater detail than the
compressed or 132-column formats below. Four to
five records are printed per page depending on
the report.
- F3 - 132-column format (requires 132-column
printer). This format, as well as the compressed
format below, provides less detail, but prints 20
or more records per page.
- F4 - Compressed format (requires dot-matrix or
laser printer).
- F5 - Printer compress code: 15
- F6 - Printer compress code: 18
Most dot matrix printers use a compress code of 15 and an
uncompress code of 18. PC-PAYROLL defaults to those
values. Determine from your printer manual if those codes
are different, and make the appropriate changes if
necessary, by selecting the F-key and entering the correct
numeric code.
If you want your records accessible to only certain employees
you can activate password protection by following these steps.
From the System Configuration Menu (Screen X.0.0).
. Press $ (Shift 4).
. Enter your password. For example, if you want to use
DOG, type DOG when the dots display and then press
* Your password is now activated.
. To re-enter PC-PAYROLL, at the C:> prompt, type
* If you type PAY, the C:> prompt appears again and
PC-PAYROLL does not run.
. To inactivate or change password protection--
* Type PAY DOG to enter PC-PAYROLL, and then return to
the System Configuration Menu.
* Press $ (Shift 4).
* Press RETURN at the password prompt (make no entry).
If during mid-year you obtain a new disk drive and want to
install PC-PAYROLL on a new drive (ie., use a hard drive rather
than two floppies, follow the steps listed below:
. Copy all PC-PAYROLL files, both program and data
files to your new drive by typing--
COPY *.* c: (c is your new drive)
* Read INSTALLING PC-PAYROLL in Chapter 2.
. At your new drive prompt type PAY to run PC-PAYROLL.
. At the Main Menu press X for System Configuration.
. Press the % key (Shifted 5).
. Enter the new drive when prompted.
The Main Menu (Screen M.0.0) consists of two submenus--
Employee Data and Housekeeping and contains information
concerning the capacity and free space on the data disk. You can
use the functions in Employee Data to keep your files up to date
by adding and modifying employee data. Through Housekeeping you
can delete payroll data and back up data. Figure 4-1 illustrates
the Main Menu.
The box to the right of screen contains information about the
data disk in use, such as total capacity, available free space
and the sizes of the current payroll data files for the active
company. If you back up the file to this disk, determine if
enough disk space remains. Ensure at least as much free space as
the largest data file is available. Data files over 320K cannot
be backed up to a floppy disk, therefore, it is important that
you check this box before backing up you data.
figure 4-1
Add Employee Data (F1) (Screen M.1.0). By selecting F1 from
the Main Menu you can enter approximately 200 employees into your
payroll system, though floppy disks may be limited to 40 active
employees. The program assigns the first vacant Employee # to
the employee you enter. Respond to all prompts (see Table 4-1)
and enter all data before you return to the Main Menu. To
correct errors or update at a later date, use the modify mode
(see Modify Employee Data).
NOTE: PC-PAYROLL standardizes as many state income taxes as
possible. Modifications have been made to the program for those
states with unusual withholding formulas, for correct entries in
Exemptions and Marital Status. See Appendix A for variations in
the basic program.
Employee's Name Employee's first name, middle
(required entry) initial and last name up to 20
characters. Press RETURN for the
Main Menu.
Street Address Up to 20 characters.
City Up to 15 characters (see
Appendix A for specific spellings
for local tax computations.
State Your state's two-letter postal
(required entry) abbreviation.
Zip Code 10 characters.
Social Security # Social security number in given
(required entry) 11-character format: ###-##-####.
Hyphens are automatically included
as you enter the number.
Hourly Rate Hourly rate if employee is on wages
and is subject to overtime.
Annual Salary Salary for personnel paid at fixed
rate regardless of hours worked. If
annual salary and hours are mixed in
a payroll, hours are computed at the
hourly rate and added to the annual
Additional Federal Amount, in dollars and cents, of
Withholding additional federal withholding
requested by the employee, over
that required by IRS from employee's
Form W-4. NOTE: Your employee can
use the W-4 Module, available
through Peninsula Software, Inc.,
to compute additional withholding.
Additional State Same as federal.
User-defined Fixed dollar amount, in dollar and
Deductions cents, for each of the first four
deductions you defined in the System
Configuration (Screen X.7.0).
Deductions which have not been
defined will display blank spaces to
the left of the dot prompt.
Exempt from FICA Default is NO. Press any key to (social
security) toggle in Add Employee Data and
press RETURN to save. In Modify Employee
Data press the Ctrl + F1 key to toggle.
Toggling to YES will exempt employee
wages from FICA taxes.
Exempt from Default is NOT EXEMPT. Toggle one
Employer Taxes of three additional exempt options
(exempt from state employer taxes,
exempt from federal employer taxes,
and exempt from both federal and
state employer taxes) by pressing
the Ctrl + F2 keys as a toggle in
Modify Employee Data. Toggling to
exempt tags any income to this
employee to be exempt from SDI,
unemployment and FUTA taxes. This
function is not available in Add
Employee Data.
Local Tax Rate Press any key to toggle and the
RETURN to save. The choices are one
of two defined rates or OFF. In
Modify Employee Data, press Ctrl +
F3 keys to toggle.
Alternate Payroll Default frequency chosen in System
Frequency Configuration automatically
displays. Toggle to other
frequencies by pressing any key.
Press RETURN to save. In Modify
Employee Data press the Ctrl + F4
keys to toggle.
Marital Status, From employee's Form W-4. Toggle
Federal and State M-married or S-single for federal
plus H-head of household or O-other
for the state (see Appendix A for
additional selections for Georgia
and Arizonia. Toggle Ctrl + F5
(federal) or Ctrl + F6 (state) in
Modify Employee Data.
Active Employee Press Ctrl + F7 in Modify Employee
Data to toggle active/inactive
employees. Inactive employees are
deleted at the year's end using
Rollover Employee Data (F5) under
Federal Exemptions Number of exemptions from employee's
Form W-4. Two-digit numbers are
allowed from 0 to 99. To disable
withholding for the employee, enter
number greater than 30.
State Exemptions Number of exemptions from employee's
W-4 or state withholding exemption
form. Two-digit numbers are
allowed. If no withholding, enter
number greater than 30 to force
zero taxes. See Appendix A.
Modify Employee Data (F2) (Screen M.2.0). Use this function
to review, modify and delete employee data. You can update and
review the employee data file any time without affecting payroll
history. To select--
. Press F2 (Modify Employee Data) at the Main Menu.
. Enter the Employee number to display all data you
entered in Add Employee Data (see Table 4-1).
. Scroll through the employee data file by pressing N
for the next record, P for the previous record, A for
another employee, or M or Esc for the menu.
. To make changes, press the function key, Shift + F-key
or Ctrl + F-key for the items you want to modify. See
Table 4-1 for descriptions.
. To delete an employee from Modify Employee Data, use
the following steps.
* Press D to delete. You will be asked: Are you sure?
Type YES to delete. Press RETURN if you do NOT want
to delete the employee displayed.
-- If no payroll records are present, the employee
is deleted and the screen returns to the
Employee # prompt.
-- You will be notified if payroll records exist,
and deleting will NOT proceed. Press RETURN for
Employee # prompt.
* Tag the employee for future delete by toggling the
Ctrl + F7 keys to Employee Inactive. Inactive
employees will be deleted at the beginning of the
year using the Rollover Employee Data procedure.
Deleting a record adversely affects the printing of all
year-to-date, federal and state reports; thus, you CANNOT
delete an employee with payroll data.
When a record number becomes vacant through your use of
this function, the next employee added is assigned the
lowest vacant record number. Deleted employees are denoted
by the word DELETED displayed in the first seven characters
of the employee name and a social security number of
000-00-0000. It is normal for the remainder of the employee
information may remain in the file until another new
employee is added.
Delete Payroll File (F7) (Screen M.7.0). Select key F7 from
the Main Menu to delete any existing payroll data file and to
prepare the program to accept a new data file. Use this process
only to set up the data file before entering new data for the
year. You will be warned that all data will be destroyed. Press
key F10 to delete records or press RETURN to return to the menu.
This option is most often used when a new user is practicing
with PC-PAYROLL before actually putting it to use. You can enter
all the practice data you want and when you are comfortable with
the operation of the program, you can delete the payroll data
file. The employee data file is NOT affected.
Date for Report Header (F8) (Screen M.0.0). The date printed
on printed reports is normally the computer system date, which is
displayed on the Main Menu. If you set the time before running
PC-PAYROLL, or have an internal clock, the date will be set
correctly. If the date displayed is incorrect, press F8 on the
Main Menu to set the date.
Backup Data (F9) (Screen M.9.0). Use the Backup Data Module
(F9 on the Main Menu) to backup and to restore employee, payroll
and tax deposit data and to sort payroll data by date. This
function does NOT backup the company data file. Backup files are
created with the extension .Bxx and cannot be used without
restoring the files before use.
NOTE: Use a SEPARATE floppy disk to backup EACH payroll you
maintain. DO NOT backup on the same floppy or hard drive you use
for your primary data. A hard disk crash or destruction of the
floppy will destroy all of your valuable data.
Backing Up Data Using PC-PAYROLL. You should make backups
after completing each payroll. Use any method that works best for
you to control backup disks. It is recommended that you use two
different backup disks for each payroll account and that you
alternate between the disks when backing up (sometimes called the
son-father-grandfather method). Many computer users have lost
many hours of time and valuable data by not making adequate
NOTE: DO NOT use this method to backup data files in excess
of 360K on a floppy disk. Use a tape backup, the DOS BACKUP
utility, or another commercially available program. Refer to the
Data Disk Information on the Main Menu to check the data file
To backup data use the following--
. Press F9 from the Main Menu.
. On Screen M.9.0 press the function key for the data to
be backed up.
F1 Backup Employee Data
F2 Backup Payroll Data
F3 Backup Tax Deposit Data
. Enter the target drive (the drive you want the data
stored on) when prompted.
* Ensure the original data disk is in its normal
* To backup from drive B to drive A when using
floppies, remove the program disk temporarily and
insert the backup disk, but replace the program
before you return to the previous menu or an error
message will display.
. Press Esc to return to the Backup Data Menu.
NOTE: You will be informed if there is not sufficient disk
space on the target drive.
Alternate Backup Method. If you are familiar with DOS, you
can use the DOS commands COPY and RENAME to backup or restore
payroll files. To backup using DOS, ensure you are in the correct
subdirectory and at the C> prompt type--
COPY *.D01 A:
This copies all Company #1 data files from drive C to
drive A. Continue with your other companies by entering
D02, D03, etc..
Restoring Data Using PC-PAYROLL. When you restore data
files, the original data file is written over and destroyed;
therefore, if you must restore a file, ensure you use the latest
backup file.
To restore data, use the following steps.
. Press F9 from the Main Menu.
. Press the function key for the data to be restored:
F4 Restore Backup Employee Data
F5 Restore Backup Payroll Data
F6 Restore Backup Tax Deposit Data
. Enter the source drive (the drive containing the
backup data) when prompted.
* To restore from drive A (source) to drive B (normal
data drive), remove the program disk temporarily
while restoring data, but replace it before you
return to the previous menu or an error message will
Sorting Payroll Data. This function sorts the payroll data
file by payroll date. Though sorting this file isn't necessary,
doing so can be advantageous, especially if you add payroll data
for a previous payroll or enter current data. Sorting this file
eliminates duplicate dates listed on the List Payroll Date report
and correctly displays records in Payroll Details by Employee.
To use this function, press F9 from the Main Menu, any then press
F7 from the Backup Menu. Ensure you have a backup before you
sort. A power failure at this time WILL destroy the file if it
occurs during a sort.
Use this module to compute paychecks, print one copy of each
check stub (on plain paper) and modify previously computed
payrolls. To obtain additional copies of check stubs, enter
Write Checks/Check Stubs (W) and use the batch mode. Figure 5-1
illustrates the Compute Payroll Menu.
NOTE: Tax rate withholding formulas are available in this
module for all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, and are
base on either the state you enter for your company address or
your employee state of residence, based on your selections in the
System Configuration. If the state has a state tax, the active
state 9for the company) will display on the menu. Ensure the
correct state is showing. If not, you can change the state in
the System Configuration.
figure 5-1
PC-PAYROLL differs from other programs that require end
of month and quarter or year-end processing. In several
payroll systems, the normal computing process entails
summarizing employee records for the period, writing the
records to a data file made for summaries and reports and
then deleting individual records.
PC-PAYROLL, on the other hand, retains all employee records
for each pay period in the data file for the entire year. This
method, of course, uses precious disk space; however, it has the
advantage in allowing more flexibility in obtaining reports, ie.,
you can run any report any time without affecting the data base.
In addition, you can easily modify a payroll record if you make a
mistake. The disadvantage is a complete audit trail of
transactions is not given, and as the year progresses, the length
of time to process reports increase (especially using floppy
As you enter payroll data into PC-PAYROLL, a new record is
added for each employee for each period. Record numbers begin
with 1 and continue throughout the year. For example, an
employer with 10 employees and a weekly payroll will have 520
(10 x 52) total payroll records for the year. The records will
be numbered 1 through 520. Remember this concept when you modify
a payroll. You will need to enter a record number (which will be
displayed on the screen). See Modify Previous Paychecks.
Entering the Data. Compute paychecks with PC-PAYROLL using
the following steps. See After-the-Fact later.
. Press F1 Compute Paychecks.
. When prompted for the date (Screen C.1.1), enter the
date of the paycheck and press RETURN to continue.
NOTE: The date required is the PAYROLL DATE, which is the
date you write the paycheck, NOT the payroll ending date. The
IRS is concerned when you pay your employees. As an example, if
your payroll ending date is December 31, and you write the check
on January 1, you must report that payroll in the new year, not
when they worked.
. When prompted for the Employee #, you can--
* Press F1 to access the Change Default Menu.
* Press RETURN to exit. Exit only before you select
an employee. Once an employee is selected you must
compute that payroll record before you exit.
* Enter the Employee # to complete that employee's
paycheck. Ensure you also select and compute
employees with salary. A list of active employees
is displayed, with an * beside each number that a
payroll has been completed for this period.
NOTE: PC-PAYROLL checks for employee records already entered
for this date, notifies your if one is found, and gives you a
chance to reselect an Employee # by pressing the Esc key. You
can, however, add more than one payroll record for a pay date.
NOTE: PC-PAYROLL also check for employees codes as Inactive
in the employee data file and will not allow a payroll to be
computed for the inactive employee.
-- If you enter an invalid Employee #, the
Employee # prompt displays again.
. After selecting an employee, make the appropriate
entries given in Table 5-1 (Screen C.1.3). You select
the active prompts in the System Configuration using
the Prompt Selection/Options (F6).
NOTE: If you are using the After-the Fact payroll frequency,
refer to that section later.
. Make your entry and press RETURN. For a zero, press
RETURN. To speed entry do not enter trailing zeroes.
PC-PAYROLL automatically provides the correct
dollar-and-cent format.
. If you make errors on previous prompts, press the
semicolon key (;) and RETURN to back up to the
previous prompt.
Check Number If you already know the check number
for this record, assign it now,
otherwise, enter the check number
when writing checks.
Regular Hours Worked TOTAL of regular WAGE hours worked
the previous pay period. Press
RETURN for zero. DO NOT include
salary hours or overtime hours for
hourly-wage employees when you enter
a wage amount in the employee data
Overtime Hours Worked TOTAL overtime hours worked. DO NOT
compute overtime for salaried
employees unless they receive both
wages and salary. To compute
overtime, you must enter an amount
in Wages in the employee data file.
The following prompts require dollar entries.
Salary Override Press RETURN for the default salary,
enter a negative number to force a
zero or enter a positive number to
override the default salary. The
screen displays the default.
Tips TOTAL the employee earns and reports
to the employer. (Tips the employee
retains must be entered in the
Advance Tips Paid.)
User-defined Income Two taxable income amounts you can
label in the System Configuration
(Screen X.7.0) as commissions,
bonuses, etc.
Advance Wages Paid Taxable pay advances given to
employee, to be included in gross
income and treated as a deduction
from gross pay before net pay is
computed. See Table 5-2, NOTE on
negative net pay.
Advance Tips Paid Taxable tips the employee reports is
treated as a deduction from gross
pay. Taxes and FICA are computed
based on TOTAL tips. If an employee
keeps all tips when received, the
tips and advance tips paid MUST be
equal. See Table 5-2.
Variable Deduction Deduction labeled in the System
Configuration (Screen X.7.0) which
may be used for deductions which
vary each payroll, ie., meals
Non-taxable Non-taxable income the employee
receives. Taxes are not computed on
this amount. The total is added to
the net and included in the check.
Cafeteria Plan Payments to qualified cafeteria
plan. A positive entry is a non-
taxable deduction from gross pay
before all taxes are computed. Use
Non-Taxable to show cafeteria plan
payments reimbursed directly to the
401(K) Plan Payments (in dollar amount) to a
qualified 401(K) Plan, as a
deduction from gross pay after
FICA taxes are computed.
Fringe Benefits Benefits (automobiles, health
insurance, etc.) requiring reporting
to IRS in block 10 of the Form W-2
as fringe benefits and otherwise not
included in taxable wages. Use
Non-taxable for payments actually
made to the employee. This amount
prints on check stubs, but is not
added to gross pay for tax or net
pay computations.
SDI Override Overrides the computed SDI when
Displaying the Paycheck Stub. Once data entry is complete,
the employee's paycheck stub displays for your review. The
paycheck stub contains all of the computed gross pay, deductions,
and withholdings. Ensure that you review the paycheck stub for
accuracy. You can then--
. Press F10 to print.
* Several paycheck stubs can be printed at this time
or later, in batch mode, at the Write Checks/Check
Stubs Menu.
. Press RETURN to save the record and return to the
Employee # prompt.
. Press Esc to save the record and return to the menu.
. Press F7, if you make an error in data entry, to
delete the data from memory and return to the
Employee # prompt without saving.
Table 5-2 shows the formulas used to compute the payroll.
NOTE: Federal and state computer formulas never exactly
match the withholding tables. When comparing PC-PAYROLL computed
withholding and the tables, expect a difference of up to $5.00 on
federal and state taxes.
The withholding formulas used in PC-PAYROLL are found in IRS
Circular E and your state's Employer's Withholding Guide. In
must cases, PC-PAYROLL calculates the taxes more accurately.
Table 5-2. Formulas Used to Compute Paycheck Stubs
hours X wage
+ ot hours X ot pay
+ salary
+ other pay
gross pay
- cafeteria plan
FICA taxable pay
- 401(K) plan
income taxable pay
+ nontaxable
- taxes
- deductions
NOTE: If you do not allow negative net pay, PC-PAYROLL first
reduces the deductions to zero, beginning with deduction 4, 3,
etc.; then reduces the taxes, beginning with SDI, local tax,
state tax, federal tax and FICA. Reductions stop when positive
net pay is reached. Since most computations of negative net pay
are as a result of advance wages or tips, these deductions are
not reduced.
Overview. Use this function to change the employee's payroll
data or to delete the record. You can save the data as you enter
it or you can compute the new taxes based on the changes to
wages. To modify records, follow the steps listed below:
. Press F2 Modify Previous Paychecks.
. When the date prompt displays (Screen C.2.0) enter the
Payroll Date.
* Press RETURN to return to the Compute Payroll Menu.
. Select the record number (Screen C.2.1) from the box
on the screen's left and press RETURN for more records
or to exit if the last record is displayed. You can
enter a record number not displayed in the box. (See
. Select the number keys (Screen C.2.2) that correspond
to the items you want to modify and press RETURN.
* The display consists of all fields that you can
update in the record.
* Changes are not computed or saved until all
changes are made.
. To move quickly from record to record--
* Press N for the next record.
* Press P for the previous record.
* Press RETURN to exit without saving.
. To save changed records at any time, press S and then
press RETURN.
* The stub will display.
* Press F10 to print or RETURN to save.
NOTE: Saving the payroll using the values displayed omits
any default values and saves only the values actually entered or
displayed on the screen.
. To compute taxes based on tax formulas--
* Press C and then press RETURN.
* Review and then press S to save.
NOTE: Computing the payroll using the employee default
values are based on the data entered in the employee data file,
federal and state withholding formulas, hours worked, tips, and
other compensation.
If you change salary, wages, tips or other income, you must
adjust the FICA withheld to the rate times the TOTAL gross pay.
If you neglect to do so, Form 941, W-2s and W-3s will be out of
balance at the end of the year.
. To delete a record--
* Press D and then press RETURN.
* Press S to save.
NOTE: The date 13-13-90 now appears. The date is
significant because it is invalid, can be easily trapped
toexclude when computing totals, and it cannot be entered by the
user EXCEPT when you are deleting a record. The record is not
actually removed from the system, but coded as inactive by the
When you delete the record, you will notice all fields now
contain zeros, except the employee number is converted to #1.
This does not affect employee #1 totals and prevents error
messages when processing reports.
CHANGE DEFAULTS (F3) (Screen C.3.0)
Overview. Use this feature to temporarily override the
defaults for SDI, payroll frequency, overtime rate, federal tax,
FICA and state tax and to run year-to-date adjustments. As
changes are temporary, the overrides will revert to the defaults
when you exit the Compute Paycheck Module.
These values, however, remain when you compute the payroll
for subsequent employees during the current session, unless you
change them. If you make a change for one employee be sure to
doublecheck for correct values before continuing to the next
employee. Screen C.1.0 displays a reminder of the payroll
PC-PAYROLL offers the capability to enter payrolls after the
fact for accountants use or to begin using this payroll system
mid-year. Differences between the accountants use and
year-to-date adjustments are discussed, then the functions which
are common to both areas.
Accountants. Select the After-the-Fact in the System
Configuration (Screen X.8.0) before entering employee data, or
toggle all after the fact employee's payroll frequency to
"After-the-Fact" in the employee data file (Main Menu).
Year-to-date Adjustments. To begin using PC-PAYROLL in
mid-year or to update your year-to-date payroll to accurately
compute Forms W-2, W-3 and 940, enter your previous payroll using
the after-the-fact option.
With this short cut, you can enter the quarterly totals
without entering all previous payrolls. Instead of entering the
period totals, enter the quarterly totals for each employee.
Follow the steps listed below:
. From the Compute Payroll Menu, press F3 to access the
Change Default Menu (Screen C.3.0).
. Press F2 to change the payroll frequency to
after-the-fact payroll.
. Press Esc to return to the Compute Paycheck Menu.
* Note that the Compute Paycheck Menu displays after-
the-fact payroll. This remains only until you exit
the module.
Common Procedure. Compute payrolls as described in Compute
Paychecks in this chapter, pressing F1 Compute Paychecks,
entering the date and selecting the employee number. The prompts
differ slightly from those described in Table 5-1. All wages are
lumped into one category. Tips, taxes and deductions are
requested without computation.
. Press F1 Compute Paychecks.
. Enter the date for the last day of the quarter or
month, if desired on Screen C.1.1.
. Enter Employee # (Screen C.1.2)
* Prompts for hours, wages, taxes and deductions
will display in order. Enter quarterly totals for
Year-to-Date adjustments. (Screen C.1.3a).
. A screen will then display with all entered data
(Screen C.1.4a).
* Doublecheck all entries and make necessary changes
on the after-the-fact payroll screen.
. Press C if you want the taxes automatically computed.
. Press S and then RETURN to display the paycheck stub
(Screen C.1.5a).
* The stub displays and you can now doublecheck your
information again.
. Press RETURN to save the data.
. Repeat the process for the next employee.
. When completed, exit the Compute Payroll Menu by
pressing RETURN at the Employee # prompt.
. Review Summary and Federal Reports to ensure you
entered all data correctly and that it matches the
reports you submitted in previous quarters (see
Chapter 6).
. Make necessary changes in Modify Paychecks.
The Summary and Federal Reports (Y) (Screen Y.0.0) provides
the required federal tax reports and year-to-date, quarterly and
monthly summaries. Figure 6-1 illustrates the Summary and
Federal Reports Menu. For specific information on IRS
requirements and the use of forms covered in this module, see
Appendix B.
With all reports, you have the option to either export report
data to a disk file or other programs (spreadsheets, word
processors, etc.) or print the report on paper.
To export report data to a print file, press F9. When you
select this function and are prompted, enter a file name up to
eight characters. All data your export with a user-defined file
name will have the extension ".PRN" and will be written to an
ASCII data file on the data drive. You must transfer this file
to the other application program. Refer to Importing Data in
your other software.
For a printed report, press F10. Your printer must be on.
You may print the FEDERAL reports directly on the form by
pressing F8. There will be instructions on the screen for an
alignment test. This function may not work with all printers.
figure 6-1
Quarterly Returns (F1). This function computes the federal
tax liability and social security payments that you report to the
IRS on Form 941 (Employer's Quarterly Return). All of the data
you need to prepare quarterly returns is computed and displayed,
except for Total Employees Employed during the pay period
covering March 12 and any adjustments you might need due to
changes in your payroll that affect quarterly returns. Figure
6-2 illustrates the information provided on quarterly returns.
NOTE: Substitute reports are not IRS approved. You must
transfer the information to the actual form.
To use Quarterly Returns (F1), follow the steps listed below:
. Press Y from any module menu to access Summary and
Federal Reports Menu.
. Press F1 from the Summary and Federal Reports Menu.
. When prompted to select the quarter (Screen Y.1.0),
press 1, 2, 3 or 4, relating to quarters beginning
January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.
. A two page report, a substitute Form 941, is displayed
and may be printed at Screens Y.1.3 and Y.1.4.
. To obtain the number of employees employed March 12
(for the first quarter return)--
* Press R from any module menu to access Period
Reports Menu.
* Press F3 from the Period Reports Menu for the Totals
by Pay Period reports.
* You can transfer the number of employees working
that pay period to the Form 941.
NOTE: The number of employees working on March 12 must be
added regardless which method is used to print Form 941.
Form W-2 (F2) (Screen Y.2.1). This function allows you to
view and print Forms W-2 with flexibility. PC-PAYROLL also
prints subtotals on the 42nd Form W-2, according to IRS
requirements. Figure 6-2 illustrates the W-2 Menu and figure 6-3
illustrates Form W-2. Press Esc to abort any report and return
to the W-2 Menu. Press P to pause during printing, then press
any key to continue.
From the W-2 Menu, you can--
. Press F1 to display W-2s on the screen so you can
review each employee's Form W-2 individually.
. Press F2 to print continuous Forms W-2.
* Align the first W-2 using the alignment test.
. Press F3 to print IRS sheet Forms W-2.
* Align the first W-2 using the alignment test.
* The program pauses every three W-2s so you can
change forms.
. Press F4 to print substitute Forms W-2.
. Press F5 to toggle to print in two different IRS
W-2 formats.
* Toggle for alternate format. You must reset
toggle for Alternate each pass.
* PC-PAYROLL uses the standard 7-inch wide IRS format
for IRS furnished and continuous forms.
Laser Printers. You may select the starting row and column
for printing W-2s by pressing F6 and F7. The defaults are shown
on the screen. To print W-2s with the laser printer, select F8.
figure 6-2
figure 6-3
What W-2s To Purchase
PC-PAYROLL uses two of the IRS approved formats. The
standard format in PC-PAYROLL is the Form W-2 which the IRS
furnishes and the format IRS used several years ago, called the
alternate format (The boxes for the local taxes are different.).
The standard format is recommended.
Dot matrix printers do not handle six or eight-part Forms W-2
because of the paper's thickness. We recommend using carbonless
continuous W-2 Twin Sets, designed especially for dot matrix
printers. Twin Sets are two sets of W-2s, one set consisting of
the copies required for the government and the other set
consisting of all forms to be given to the employee. You make
two printing passes using PC-PAYROLL. Twin Sets ensure clear,
legible printing and a quality image on all copies.
Where To Purchase W-2s
Many companies specialize in printing and selling tax forms,
however, they may use different terms in describing their W-2s.
Before purchasing, most will send you sample copies. Print
sample W-2s as described in Tips On Printing W-2s to determine
which forms to purchase.
If you must use another W-2 format, and we must customize
PC-PAYROLL, we will do so for $50. This will be an annual charge
for customizing. The custom version will be shipped usually
within 3 weeks of receipt. We cannot guarantee delivery if
ordered after December 1.
Tips On Printing W-2s
W-2s are usually printed once a year, therefore, you do not
get the experience in aligning the W-2s that you do with your
paychecks. Before committing the W-2s to the printer, we suggest
you take the time to experiment aligning the forms using plain
paper (there are no restrictions to the number of times you print
any report). After printing several W-2s, press Esc to abort,
remove the paper, hold the paper against the forms and check the
alignment. This will indicate the proper position for the final
forms. Form W-3 (F3) (Screen Y.3.0). The Form W-3 (Figure 6-4)
summarizes all Forms W-2. You can print a replica of the
Form W-3 or print directly on the Form W-3. To use this
. Press Y from any module menu to access Summary and
Federal Reports Menu.
. Press F3 from the Summary and Federal Reports Menu.
figure 6-4
FUTA Form 940 (F4) (Screen Y.4.0). Federal Form 940 is an
annual report that summarizes Unemployment Insurance taxes. The
form is computed based on the information available in the data.
For any adjustments, payments, etc., use the totals provided.
To use this function--
. Press Y from any module menu to access Summary and
Federal Reports.
. Press F4 from the Summary and Federal Reports Menu.
* The complete report (Screen Y.4.1) is not on the
screen. Print the report to obtain all the required
information for Form 940.
The summary reports available in this module are a useful
management tool. Choose from several reports to obtain
year-to-date, quarterly or monthly totals by employee.
The summary reports include--
. Pay Summary (F5) (Screen Y.5.1) - displays employee
name and salary/wages, overtime, tips and total.
. Hours Summary (F6) (Screen Y.6.1) - displays employee
name and regular, overtime and total hours.
. Deduction Summary (F7) (Screen Y.7.1) - displays
employee name and all five user defined deductions.
. Tax Summary (F8) (Screen Y.8.0) - displays employee's
name, federal, FICA, state, local, SDI and UI taxes.
. Miscellaneous Summary (F9) (Y.9.0) - displays employee
name and net pay, non-taxable, cafeteria plan, 401(K)
plan, fringe benefits and meals.
. Consolidated Summary (F10) (Y.10.0) - displays the
employee's name, social security number, salary/wages,
overtime, tips, total pay, federal, FICA, state,
local, SDI, UI withholding, user defined deductions,
salary advances, 401(K) plan and cafeteria plan.
To use these functions--
. Year-to-date reports are default. Press the up or
down cursor keys to select monthly or quarterly
* When you have already requested quarterly or monthly
reports and you desire a different quarter or month,
press the up or down cursor again to reselect the
. Press the appropriate function key (F5 through F10)
for the report desired.
. If you chose monthly or quarterly reports, you will
now be prompted to enter a number corresponding to the
month (1-12) or quarter (1-4) and to press RETURN.
The Period Reports Module (R) (Screen R.0.0) contains various
reports that provide information on employees, payroll dates, pay
period totals and payroll details. This data will aid you in
determining upcoming deposit and tax requirements and will
provide you detailed employee data. All reports require standard
paper. One report is available in alternate formats using a 132
column printer or condensed print.
Since several of the reports require you to enter the payroll
date, PC-PAYROLL remembers the last payroll date. To select the
displayed payroll date, press F10 when prompted, then press
RETURN to continue.
With all reports you can either export report data to a disk
file or other programs or print the report on paper. Refer to
the discussion on exporting reports to a print file in Chapter 6.
To print the report on paper, press F10.
figure 7-1
List Employees on File (F1) (Screen R.1.0). This function
lists all employees by employee number, name, social security
number and marital status.
. Press F1 from the Period Reports Menu.
. Press F8 to print labels for active employees.
Labels are suitable for placing on time cards
and include employee number, name, social security
number, marital status, exemptions and blanks for
notes on wages, salary, tips, other, regular hours
and overtime hours.
. Press RETURN to continue to next page, or if the last
page is displayed, return to the menu.
. Press Esc to return to Period Reports Menu from any page.
List Payroll Dates (F2) (Screen R.2.0). This function lists
all payroll dates in sequence. Duplicate dates might occur,
particularly if you use after-the-fact payroll or compute payroll
data out of sequence. To eliminate duplicates, sort the data
using the Backup Data Menu, F7 (Sort). This report is useful in
reviewing payroll dates already entered.
For this report--
. Press F2 from the Period Reports Menu.
. To display the report, press RETURN. For a printed
report, press F10.
Totals by Pay Period (F3) (Screen R.3.0). This report
contains the period totals for pay, withholdings and deductions
for the pay period you select.
This report entails three parts. The first part gives
payroll totals and on the printed report, your payroll account
deposit (Screen R.3.1) requirements. The second part summarizes
the tax deposits (Screen R.3.2) for each tax authority and
informs you when a deposit is required. The third part summarizes
payroll tax deposits (Screen R.3.3) by quarter.
To obtain these reports--
. Press F3 from the Period Reports Menu.
. Enter the appropriate date when prompted or press F10
for the last payroll date.
. As each report displays, press RETURN to continue for
the next report, press F10 to print the report or
press Esc to return to the Period Reports Menu.
Payroll Detail by Pay Period (F4) (Screen R.4.0). Using this
function, you can obtain either an 80-column format, detailed
report that gives an employee's complete history or a 132-column
format report that gives gross pay, taxes, and each employee's
This report is directed to the printer only; therefore,
before you begin make sure your printer is on and has paper.
Select either the 80-column or 132-column format from the
System Configuration's Color/Printer Option (F9) (see Chapter 3,
Setting Up the Company Data File).
For this report--
. Press F4 from the Period Reports Menu.
. When prompted for the Date, enter the date for the pay
period you want and press RETURN, or if you want the
last payroll date, press F10.
. Press RETURN to continue.
. Press Esc to abort the calculations or printing and
return to the Period Reports Menu.
List Employees by Specified Pay Period (F5) (Screen
R.5.0). This function lists all employees that worked in a
specific pay period.
To obtain this report--
. Press F5 from the Period Reports Menu.
. When prompted, enter the payroll date.
. When the report displays, press RETURN to continue
with the next page, F10 to print the report, or press
Esc to return to the Period Reports Menu.
Payroll Detail by Employee (F6) (Screen R.6.0). This printed
report lists an employee's payroll records by quarter with
quarterly totals. The report displays an employee's name,
address, social security number, marital status, exemptions,
gross pay, tips, federal tax, FICA, state/local tax, UI, SDI,
total deductions, non-taxable and net pay.
For this report--
. Press F6 from the Period Reports Menu.
. When prompted, enter the Employee #.
* If you do not know the Employee #, press F10 for a
list of employees to attain the number.
* Report is directed to the printer.
. Press RETURN for the Period Reports Menu.
Check Register (F7) (Screen R.7.0). This function
provides a list of employees, their net pays and their
check numbers for the date you choose. As the report is
directed to the printer, ensure your printer is loaded with
paper and turned on before you begin.
For this report--
. Press F7 from the Period Reports Menu.
. When prompted, enter the date, or press F10 for the
last payroll date.
. Press RETURN for the Period Reports Menu.
List Records (F8) (Screen R.8.0). This function provides a
display of all payroll records, including the payroll record
number, employee number, the date, the gross salary or wages,
overtime wages, tips, bonuses and commissions. List Records
allows you to review payroll records.
If you are looking for defective records, be sure to note the
record # in the left column. This number will be needed to
modify data. See Modify Paychecks in Chapter 5.
To use this function--
. Press F8 from the Period Reports Menu.
. When prompted, enter the record number you want to
begin with or press RETURN to begin with the first
. Press RETURN for the next screen of records.
. Press Esc to abort and return to the menu.
. When you reach the last page press RETURN for the
The State Quarterly Reports Module (S) (Screen S.0.0) is used
to prepare state quarterly returns. The report is a typical
state quarterly return, but it might not match your particular
state's return exactly; thus, you should review the
computer-generated report before the end of the first quarter to
become familiar with its contents.
The SDI and Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax rates and cutoffs
are taken from the System Configuration. The Personal Income Tax
(PIT) (State Income Tax) previously paid is taken from the Tax
Deposit data file (see Chapter 11 (Tax Deposit Module). (The
Employee Training Tax (ETT) for California is substituted for
employee UI on this report.) The report's second page lists each
employee's social security number, wages and tips. Total wages
and tips are at the bottom.
To obtain this report--
. Press S at any module menu for State Quarterly Reports.
. Press 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the quarter then when the
report displays, press F10 to print.
figure 8-1
The Local Tax Module (L) (L.0.0) which is available from the
Summary and Federal Reports Menu (Screen Y.0.0), contains
monthly, quarterly, and annual summary reports for local taxes.
Use this report for preparing local tax returns when you have two
local tax rates. The report breaks down the taxes by rate,
giving the number of employees and the gross wages for each.
This report was primarily designed for Pennsylvania employers.
To obtain this report--
. Press Y (Summary and Federal Reports Menu)
. Press L (Local Tax Summary)
. Select report desired by pressing F1 - F3. Print the
report if desired.
. Press Esc to return to the previous menu.
figure 9-1
The Write Checks/Check Stubs Module (W) enables you to print
check stubs for a given date and to print checks using one of the
four NEBS forms available. Figure 10-1 illustrates the Write
Checks/Check Stubs Menu. All checks are directed to the printer.
You can obtain NEBS computer forms by calling NEBS at
1-800-225-9550. When you order, refer to CODE 95150 to ensure
you receive checks compatible with PC-PAYROLL. The active
formats are in figure 10-2.
figure 10-1
To print check stubs or checks--
. Press F1 (Write Check Stubs) to print check stubs for
all employees for the date you select or press F2, F3,
F4 or F5 to select a particular format for preprinted
checks, then complete each step
* Check stubs print two to a page on plain paper.
* Year-to-date totals appear on each check stub.
* Press Esc while printing to abort the report.
. Enter the date when prompted, or press F10 for the
payroll date.
. Enter the payroll ending date when prompted, or
press RETURN if you want to use the payroll date.
. Enter the beginning check number when prompted.
. Press Y (Yes) or N (No) to write or not write
numbers on the checks.
. Press Y (Yes) or N (No) to print or not print
employees' addresses on checks. (Checks only)
. Press A (All) or I (Individual) to print all checks
or individual checks.
. Press Y (Yes) or N (No) to choose or not choose an
alignment test. (Checks only)
We have included the four most popular check formats for your
use in PC-PAYROLL. This is three more check formats than most
other software companies offer. We cannot add additional formats
to our normal distribution disk because of limited disk space and
future software enhancements.
If you must use a custom check, a supplemental disk with
additional check formats is available at $25 additional per year
to cover special handling. If a custom format is not in our
library, a one time customizing fee of $50 is required in
addition to the annual fee. A hard disk is required to use the
supplemental disk.
Use the Tax Deposit Module (D) (Screen D.0.0) to enter
payroll tax deposits to your bank, to the IRS, or with your state
quarterly returns. If you enter coupon or quarterly return
deposits, the Pay Period Totals report (Chapter 7) informs you
when your next federal tax and FUTA deposits are due. State and
local tax deposits are tracked and the unpaid balance displays;
however, you are not informed as to when the next state and local
deposits are due because of the many state variations. Figure
11-1 illustrates the Tax Deposit Menu.
You can obtain information on the actual deposit you should
make from several reports:
. Pay Period Totals
. Form 941
. Form 940
. State Quarterly Reports
. Local Tax (PA residents)
figure 11-1
Add New Data (F1) (Screen D.1.0). This function allows you
to update your deposit data. To use this function--
. Press D from the Main Menu.
. Press F1 from the Tax Deposit Menu.
. Enter the date of the deposit (in the correct format)
when prompted.
* Press RETURN here without entering the date to
return to the menu.
. Enter the check number when prompted.
. Enter the deposit amount when prompted.
. Enter one of the following deposit codes at the prompt
by pressing the appropriate number key:
1 - Federal Tax Deposits
2 - FUTA Tax Deposits
3 - State (1) Tax Deposits
5 - Local (1) Tax Deposits
7 - SDI Deposits
8 - Unemployment Taxes
. Press the appropriate number keys (1 - 12) for the
Month for Tax Liability, or press RETURN to enter the
* If you don't enter a month, you must enter a
quarter. The month is assigned as the third month
in the quarter.
. Press the appropriate number key (1 - 4) for the
Quarter for Tax Liability.
* If you enter a month, the quarter associated with
that month is automatically assigned and the
quarter prompt is skipped.
. Enter one of the following payment codes, for record
purposes only, at the prompt by pressing the
appropriate number key.
Modify Data (F2). This function enables you to change a
record and contains all of the selections given in Add New Data
(F1). To use this function--
. Press F2 from the Tax Deposit Menu.
. Enter the Record # when prompted from the left column
of the records listed or press RETURN for the next
page of records.
* Press RETURN after the last record to return to the
Tax Deposit Menu.
. Press the appropriate function key to select the item
you want to change:
F1 Date
F2 Check Number
F3 Amount of Deposit
F4 Deposit Code
F5 Month for Tax Liability
F6 Quarter for Tax Liability
F7 Payment Code
. Press A for another record, P for the previous record,
or N for the next record to view the records.
. Press D (Delete) to delete the record.
. Press M (Menu) to return to the Tax Deposit Menu.
Sort File by Date (F3) (Screen D.0.0). This function sorts
files by the deposit date. To use this function--
. Press F3 (Sort File by Date).
* The data file is then sorted and the message SORTING
NOTE: The default deposit for the following reports is
"federal tax". To toggle other taxes, press S at the Tax Deposit
List ALL Records (F5) (Screen D.5.0). This function
will list all records for the tax you selected, displaying
the record number, date, deposit, month and quarterly
totals. To use this function--
. Press F5 (List All Records)
. Enter the beginning record number when prompted.
* Press RETURN to begin at the first matching deposit.
. Enter the ending record number when prompted.
* Press RETURN to end at the last deposit.
. Print the report by pressing F10 or press RETURN to
continue to next page.
. Press Esc to return to the Tax Deposit Menu.
List Records for Quarter (F6) (Screen D.6.0). This function
allows you to list all records for a quarter for the tax you
selected, displaying the record number, date, department, month
and quarter of deposit. To use this function--
. Press F6 (List Records for Quarter).
. Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the quarter.
. Press F10 to print the report or press RETURN to
continue to next page.
. Press Esc to return to the Tax Deposit Menu.
List Records for Month (F7) (Screen D.7.0). This
function allows you to list all records for a month,
displaying the record number, date, department, month and
quarter of deposit. To use this function--
. Press F7 (List Records for Month).
. Enter a number between 1 through 12 for the month,
when prompted.
. Press F10 to print the report or press RETURN to
continue to next page.
. Press Esc to return to the Tax Deposit Menu.
PC-PAYROLL now interfaces with Charter Software's PC-GENERAL
LEDGER--a complete general ledger system for small businesses,
nonprofit organizations and personal use. A hard disk is required
for the interface to work.
The single company version of PC-GENERAL LEDGER is $75 plus
$3 for shipping and handling. If for any reason you are not
satisfied, or cannot use PC-GENERAL LEDGER, the author, Gerry
Fricke, offers a money-back guarantee on his software. He will
refund your money immediately and you can keep the program, no
questions asked. To obtain PC-GENERAL LEDGER contact:
Charter Software
P.O. Box 70
Monticello, IL 61858
Tel 212-762-7143 or
Be sure to specify you want the PC-PAYROLL version.
Peninsula Software, Inc. offers its portion of the interface
module at no extra charge to requesters. The interface is not on
the distribution disk, therefore, you must write us for our
portion of the interface.
* *
* Each product is supported by their respective companies.*
* *
The PC-PAYROLL/PC-GENERAL LEDGER Interface is contained in
PC-PAYROLL Version 3.02b and later releases. The interface
PCPG.EXE is on disk #2 of PC-PAYROLL and is available upon
request. You must install PC-PAYROLL and PC-GENERAL LEDGER
(special PC-PAYROLL version) in the SAME subdirectory to operate
correctly. A hard disk is required.
To copy both disks to your hard drive, type--
C>cd\(your PC-GENERAL LEDGER subdirectory)
C>copy a:*.exe c:
To access the interface from PC-PAYROLL--
. Press G at any PC-PAYROLL module menu for the
PC-GENERAL LEDGER Interface Menu (referred to as Menu
from now on).
. Press F1 (Add/Modify Account Codes) at the Menu.
To enter account codes--
. Press the function key (F-key) (or Shift + F-key
or Ctrl + F-key) to select the account.
. Enter a valid PC-GENERAL LEDGER account code.
. When complete, press Esc to return to the Menu.
NOTE: You must have valid PC-GENERAL LEDGER account codes
listed in PC-PAYROLL before creating the file.
To create the file used for data transferred from PC-PAYROLL
. Press F2 (Create PC-GENERAL LEDGER Interface File).
. Enter the Payroll Date.
. Review account data on the screen and print the report
by pressing F10, if desired.
. Press F9 to create the PC-GENERAL LEDGER interface
file PCPGL.FIL (which is used to transfer the data).
* A file is created and you will return to the Menu.
* To exit from the Menu press Esc.
(You cannot return to PC-PAYROLL from PC-GENERAL
LEDGER, but must exit PC-GENERAL LEDGER and type PAY.
NOTE: If you don't immediately import the data inot
PC-GENERAL LEDGER, and you compute another payroll, the new data
will be appended to the previous PCPGL.FIL file. Once PC-GENERAL
LEDGER imports the data from PC-PAYROLL, PCPGL.FIL will be
DO NOT use the interface with a second company before
importing the data into PC-GENERAL LEDGER. If you do, the second
companies data will append to the first data file.
Appendix A
ALABAMA uses the 0 marital status for single employees claiming
no exemptions.
ARIZONA state withholding requires a flat 10%, 17%, 22%, or 25%
of federal withholding. This feature is incorporated by using
the State Marital Status and entering the appropriate letter from
the following chart:
A = 10% withholding
B = 17% withholding
C = 22% withholding
D = 25% withholding
GEORGIA requires using the State Marital Status to incorporate
five categories of marital status in the employee data. Make
your entries based on Georgia Form G-4. Enter A, B, C, D or E
from Form G-4. Definitions display in PC-PAYROLL when you select
Georgia and are also in the state Employer Withholding Guide.
MARYLAND uses the Form W-4 for the state withholding exemptions.
Several counties and Baltimore have local taxes included in the
state withholding. To incorporate this feature, enter the
appropriate percentage of state withholding for the employee's
county of residence as a whole number (for example, 20% = 20, 50%
= 50) in the State Withholding Exemption Allowance. This
automatically computes the appropriate state withholding. DO NOT
ENTER the flat local tax rate in the System Configuration.
Entering a number greater than 30 does NOT disable state tax
withholding. Refer to Maryland Income Tax Employer Withholding
MISSISSIPPI uses a dollar amount for state exemptions. You must
take the dollar amount from the employee's Form 62-420, divide
the amount by 1000 and round to the next lowest whole number.
Enter this number in the State Withholding Exemption for the
Employee in the employee data section of the program. The
program does not handle the decimals that result when dividing
the exemptions by 1000. The result of rounding will be minor
differences in program calculations and state withholding tables.
Entering a number greater than 30 does NOT disable state tax
withholding. Refer to Mississippi Income Tax Employer
Withholding Guide.
NEW YORK CITY resident and nonresident local income taxes are
included in this program. DO NOT enter a local tax rate for New
York in the System Configuration. If your business is and/or the
employee lives in New York City, enter the cities NEW YORK,
LETTERS in your company and employee data. If you do not enter
this exactly, the local taxes will not compute. For a discussion
on State Disability Insurance for New York, see the Glossary.
NORTH CAROLINA uses a dollar amount for state exemptions. You
must take the dollar amount from the employee's Form NC-4, divide
the amount by 100, and round to the nearest whole number. Enter
this number in the State Withholding Exemption for the Employee
in the employee data section of the program. If no exemption is
entered, the program will default to an exemption of $1100. An
error message is displayed if no exemptions are entered or if
exemptions exceed $8500. Entering a number greater than 30 does
NOT disable state tax withholding. Refer to NC State Withholding
Guide for the allowable deductions. Entering a number greater
than 30 does NOT disable state tax withholding. Refer to North
Carolina Income Tax Employer Withholding Guide.
OREGON State Disability Insurance (SDI) is $.14 per day. This
amount, based on an eight-hour day, is automatically computed for
Oregon. SDI is based on a five-day week for salaried employees.
It is suggested you activate the SDI override and let PC-PAYROLL
estimate SDI.
WASHINGTON requires withholding of industrial insurance, which is
based on RATE x HOURS, where the rate is a dollar amount. Enter
the SDI rate in the System Configuration.
Appendix B
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers to provide
certain information on their employees and to make payments
periodically. The list of various forms that follows is meant to
enlighten a novice employer of certain requirements; however, it
is not an interpretation of the law or court decisions. You will
find more detailed information in the publications listed.
Form 940 Must file annually, no later than
Employer's Annual January 31. You must provide data
Federal Unemployment on total payments to employees,
(FUTA) Tax Return exempt payments and payments in
excess of $7000 for each employee
and you must calculate your FUTA
taxes. You must provide information
on state unemployment contributions,
if required, in one or more states.
You must pay any FUTA tax due when
you file Form 940, which should be
$100 or less. If your FUTA
liability exceeds $100 during a
quarter, deposit that amount by the
15th of the month, following the end
of that quarter.
Form 941 Must file quarterly, no later than
Employer's Quarterly the end of the month following the
Federal Tax Return end of a quarter (for example,
April 30 for the first quarter).
You must provide data on total wages
subject to withholding, income tax
withheld, taxable tips reported and
social security taxes. If your
federal tax liability (the sum of
federal tax withholding, FICA
withheld from employees and the
employer portion of FICA) exceeds
$500, you must also complete a
record showing your liability based
on the date the wages are paid. The
balance due is payable with the
Form 941 and should be less than
$500 (if over $500, you should make
deposits during the quarter).
Form 8109-B Must file at authorized
Federal Tax Deposit depositaries with your payment,
Coupon based on the following criteria:
Rule 1 - If you owe less than $500
at the end of the quarter, pay your
taxes with Form 941. Form 8109-B is
not required.
Rule 2 - If you owe less than $500
at the end of any month, you do not
have to make a deposit, as you can
carry the taxes over to the
following month within the quarter.
Rule 3 - If you owe $500 or more,
but less than $3000, at the end of
the month, deposit with Form 8109-B
within 15 days after the end of the
month. Circular E carries an
exception to this rule.
Rule 4 - If you owe $3000 or more at
the end of an eight-month period,
divide each month into eight deposit
periods (about every three days).
If at the end of any eight-month
period your undeposited taxes exceed
$3000, deposit the taxes due within
three banking days after the end of
that eight-month period. Circular E
carries an exception to this rule.
Form W-4 The employee completes this form and
Withholding Allowance gives it to the employer to show the
Certificate number of withholding allowances the
employee is claiming. It should be
completed the first day of work. If
the employee does not furnish the
employer a W-4, the employer must
withhold tax as if the employee is
single with no withholding
Circular E Discusses the various federal
Employer's Tax Guide taxes an employer and employee are
subject to and provides withholding
formulas and tax tables. It also
provides discussions on employees;
taxable wages; fringe benefits;
tips; withholding allowances; social
security taxes (FICA); deposit
requirements; Federal Unemployment
Taxes (FUTA); quarterly returns
(Forms 941); Forms W-2, W-3, and
W-4; Earned Income Credit (EIC)
and tables on special classes of
employment. All employees and
payroll clerks should read this.
Publication 539 Discusses independent contractors;
Employment Taxes common laws, statutory, household,
and part-time employees; general
rules for withholding; family
members; withholding; noncash fringe
benefits; W-4 withholding
allowances; employee tips; deposit
requirements; FUTA taxes; Form 941
(Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax
Return); Form 940 (Employer's Annual
Federal Unemployment Tax Return
(FUTA)); Earned Income Credit (EIC);
and recordkeeping requirements.
Appendix C
Peninsula Software, Inc. provides telephonic support for its
subscribers. If you have questions relating to PC-PAYROLL call
804-874-7877 (ask for Department SW1). Office hours are from
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday.
If a telephone message system is active when you call, leave
your name, state, day and telephone number, the best time to
reach you and a description of your problem. You will be
contacted as soon as possible.
If you need assistance with a particular problem, you will
probably need to send us a sample printout of the screen or the
report that indicates the nature of the problem. In addition, we
usually need to know the sequence of events that led up to the
problem. These events will normally lead us to the solution.
Please answer the following questions before you call--
. The last name of the person who purchased the
PC-PAYROLL subscription and zip code.
. Do you use a hard drive? On what drive is your data
. Have you added any hardware to your computer or
changed the configuration? If so, what have you done?
. Have you added any software, especially memory
resident software?
. Have you added any new employee's, especially ones
that may have unique requirements?
. What have you done which may be different from normal?
. Have you had other software problems?
. For form alignment problems, do you use a 24-pin
printer or laser printer?
Questions that concern normal computer use and are not
related to our software--covered in a DOS manual--are billed at
the rate of $50.00 an hour, 1/2 hour minimum.
We are always interested in improving PC-PAYROLL, however, we
are now somewhat limited to available disk space. If there is
something you would like to see added, please do not call. We
need to see your suggestions in writing with a complete
descriptions and why you believe it should be added to PC-PAYROLL
(or Personnel Management).
Because of the limited disk space, additional check formats
will not be added. We have included the four most popular
formats, which are three more than most other software offer. If
you use a custom check, please discontinue its use as soon as
possible and select one of the standard formats. Custom formats
may be eliminated without notice. See Chapter 10 concerning
custom check formats.
Appendix D
PC-PAYROLL can recover from most errors, therefore, most error
codes are messages relating to the user. The most common codes
are listed below. If an error message appears which is not
listed, refer to the error codes in your BASIC Manual, or call
Peninsula Software, Inc. for help.
Code Message
0 UNKNOWN ERROR - Contact Peninsula Software, Inc.
for assistance. Usually it is a STRING error relating
to memory.
7 OUT OF MEMORY - The program is too large for your
system. See your dealer to add more memory before
24 DEVICE TIMEOUT - Check your printer and disk drive
before continuing.
25 DEVICE FAULT - Hardware error.
27 OUT OF PAPER - The printer is out of paper or it is
not on. Correct and continue with the program.
52 FILE NOT FOUND - Exit PC-PAYROLL, then begin again.
Check the System Configuration to make sure all
information is accurate.
57 DEVICE I/O ERROR - An error occurred on a device I/O
operation. DOS cannot recover from the error. Check
your disk drive and diskette for problems.
61 DISK FULL - The diskette is full. If you are using a
floppy system, check the data disk for extra files.
All the files on your data disk should have the
extension Dxx (example: PCPE.D01), on the disk. xx is
a number from 01 to 30. Any Bxx files are backup data
and should be copied to another disk and then erased
from this disk. In addition, there should be only one
series of Dxx files on the disk, that is, all D01
files, or D02,....
68 DEVICE UNAVAILABLE - Check your printer or disk drive
before continuing.
70 DISK WRITE PROTECT - The diskette you are using is
write-protected. Make sure you have the correct
diskette and remove the write-protect tab before
71 DISK NOT READY - The drive door is open or the disk is
not in the drive. Correct and continue with the
72 DISK MEDIA ERROR - The diskette has probably gone bad.
Recover all the data you can by copying to a new
diskette, and reformat the disk before reusing.
Compress code Printer codes used to format printer
output. The codes can vary among
printers, but the majority of printers
use code (or character) 15 to set the
compress mode and code 18 to reset the
printer. Check your printer manual for
the proper code.
Dates Throughout the program you are asked to
enter dates, which you must enter in a
specific format. The proper format of
MM-DD-YY, for entering a date, follows:
2/27/89 or 2-27-89. If the month or the
day are only single digits, you need not
enter proceeding zeros (0). No other
date format is accepted.
Esc Used to exit the current report, screen,
or menu. Pressing Esc from a report or
screen returns you to the module menu.
Pressing Esc from the Employment Data
Menu exits Personnel Management.
FUTA The FUTA is .8% and is automatically
included in Personnel Management and
Press a key Prompt displayed at the bottom of the
menu. To make a choice, press the key
and the computer will advance to the next
menu, give you instructions, or make the
computations and furnish the reports
Printed report Press F10 for printed reports, when
prompted. The printer MUST BE ON and the
paper aligned, and a report will print
Prompt A request for the user to select a
particular action by pressing a key or by
entering a request for information and
pressing ENTER/RETURN.
State Disability Can be paid by employee/employer,
Insurance (SDI) depending on the individual state
requirements. Contact your SDI office
for details for your state. The SDI
defaults to 0. The typical SDI is
handled as the FICA (the rate is entered
then the wage cutoff is entered).
In California, for example, the wage
cutoff is $21,900; the dollar amount
actually withheld (approximately $197.10)
isn't entered.
New York is SDI is computed with the
maximum of $.60 per week (1989 rate),
New York residents must enter $31.20 as
the cutoff.
Washington state (Industrial Insurance)
is computed based on a dollar rate per
hour rather than a percent of gross.
Enter 25 cents per hour as .25.
Toggle Press the function key and the menu
selection will change to the next
preassigned default setting. Continue to
press the key until your selection
Unemployment Can be paid by employee/employer,
Insurance (UI) depending on the individual state
requirements. Contact your state
unemployment office for further
information for your state. The UI
defaults to 3.4%, with a cutoff of $7000.
Order Form
Please send my 1990 subscription to PC-PAYROLL. I have
enclosed a check for $95, which entitles me to the printed
manual, support, and all updates for one year. Mail to:
Peninsula Software, Inc.
Department SW1
P.O. Box 2010
Newport News, VA 23609
For your convience, we will now ship COD. For COD orders, call
toll free 1-800-432-5532 (ask for Department SW1). Give the
answering service (or answering machine) your name, company name,
shipping address (US Postal Service), city, state, zip code,
telephone number, the time date of your call (spell any names or
addresses which may be confusing). Please indicate that you wish
to have PC-PAYROLL shipped COD. A $4.00 COD fee will be charged
on COD orders.
Virginia residents must add 4 1/2% state sales tax.
Add $5.00 for shipping and handling to all orders.
We're sorry, but we do not accept credit cards.
Enclosed is my check for $100 ($95.00 plus $5.00 for shipping)
(Virginia residents $104.50). Please send to:
Name (primary user):______________________________________
City:_______________________ State:_____ Zip:_____________
Where did you get this copy of PC-PAYROLL?________________